Safety Features For Mature Drivers

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While safety features evolve, mature drivers are presented with the opportunity to safely navigate the road for longer than ever before; however, they must first understand how to adopt and adapt to the new features that have been made available to them.

If you have a loved one who is a mature driver, you can help by staying on top of the latest trends in cars. Having an in-depth knowledge of helpful features will help you explain their importance to your loved one. Read on for a list of the most helpful safety features for mature drivers.


Smart Headlights


The majority of car accidents occur at night when there is less light available to those driving. Adaptive headlights are designed to regulate the range and concentration of light, based on traffic distance, reduced glare and enhanced night vision while moving at highway speeds. Some technologies now allow for headlights to pivot as the vehicle turns. Smart headlights make it more feasible for mature drivers to compensate for age-related vision deviations, and to navigate safely at night, or in heavy weather conditions.



Backup Cameras


While backup cameras aren’t considered an emerging technology, they are continually improving and becoming more precise than ever before. More advanced systems employ an audible alert if something is stationed the rearward path of a vehicle, and some vehicles offer the same alert for deterrents located to the side of the mobilized car. Backup cameras and audible alerts can enable mature drivers who have a limited range of motion in their shoulders, back or neck, to make safe decisions. By 2019, federal mandate states that all new vehicles will be required to house a backup camera internal to each vehicle.


Blind Spot Monitors


Blind spot monitors are unique to most vehicles in the way that the alert is programmed. Different types of monitor warnings include light-up icons on side-view mirrors, audible alerts or vibrations to warn a driver of objects moving into, or stationed in their blind spots. Many monitors offer an extra layer of protection by equipping drivers an additional warning the moment their turn signal is activated, which is often helpful while changing lanes or parking. Blind spot monitors are ideal for everyone, but especially mature drives with limited flexibility and a slower reaction rate, to make the decision that it is safe to move over into the next lane.


Collision Warning System


While not standard in most vehicles, newer car models are making it possible for drivers to have an added layer of security through front facing monitors that warn drivers of slow-moving, or stopped cars in their trajectory. Additionally, an automated emergency brake system works in unison with the Collision Warning System to engage a vehicle’s brakes if a driver doesn’t respond promptly. These systems are able to often prevent a crash, or to lessen the damage if a crash were to inevitably occur. All major automakers have voluntarily agreed to make forward collision warning and auto emergency braking standard to all vehicles by model-year 2022.


Lane Departure Warning/Lane Keeping Assist System


Similar to blind spot monitors, lane departure warnings alert a driver when they have drifted out of their lane through visual, vibration or audible alerts. A Lane Keeping Assist System gently steers a vehicle back to the center of the appropriate lane if the driver does not respond promptly to the warning. This coupled technology is ideal for mature drivers with poor vision or slower reaction speeds.

If you are interested in the safety features that your car offers, check out My Car Does What?

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